2018 – He is the Provider

The year kicked off with a bang – visits to Brazil, Amazone planning and on my way to Kenya, Angola and Argentina.  Please keep us in your prayers.  Will give feedback as we race along planting churches through Evangelism and Discipleship.


February 11th, 2018|Music|

When music and ministry connects in Africa!

I’m in central Mozambique …. it’s hot outside … as usual this time of the year.  The Church of God has invited us to be part of their annual conference …. and it was pure African greatness.  What still amazes me after so many years on the field is the total authenticity, gladness and openness […]

November 27th, 2014|Being Church, Music, Outreach|

The joy of music

What does Alex, a South African and Paulo Escova – a Mozambican have in common?  An absolute love for music and guitars.  To tell you the truth – Paulo is fanatic when it comes to guitars.  He has a big church in Honde (Central Mozambique) and he has set up a very lively church band […]

August 6th, 2013|Cultural, Music, Volunteers|

Come away with me …..

I have in the last few months received so many messages from friends and dear partners about them struggling to keep on going.  And life has a way of doing that to you.  Hold on tight – God has a great plan ….. are words I use often and it seems so inadequate in moments like […]

February 7th, 2012|Music|

A New Halleluja …………

March 27th, 2010|Music|