Journeys are wonderful things! They are always filled with the prospect of experiencing the unexpected. A journey for me means a lot of things. As a wise ‘someone’ once said: “Business before pleasure unless pleasure is your business!” My work and business are pure pleasure.
WHAT MAKES US TICK – as we work!
To be at the very cutting edge of missions and evangelism today takes a huge effort. Something Harversters Family of Ministries, whom we partner with, are very serious about. WE are a church planting organization and believe that saturation church planting is by far the most effective way of fulfilling the Great Commission. We are ourselves missionaries and thank God too for every missionary who has gone ahead of us, preparing the harvest,as we find ourselves often building on the foundations laid by dedicated men and women of God who were called to the areas we work in.
The foundation of our model was designed and built upon with the global church in mind with church saturation covering an entire nation. We aim to reach everyone. our hope is that not one person will be left without having heard the Good news.
The work is hard and strenuous as we set out to find reliable men and women who teach student pastors. Those student pastors then teach believers and they then go on to teach others and so on a constant cycle training takes place. This model is designed to incorporate evangelism, Bible School material, church planting and take it to people in rural areas and to train them there and thereby equip them to fulfil that which God has called them to do.