290px-Idi_Amin  Once a country ruled by the fierce  and fearful dictator Idi Amin Dada – now a bustling country open for all!   Amin’s rule     was characterized by human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extrajudicial killings, nepotism,     corruption, and gross economic mismanagement. The number of people killed as a result of his regime is estimated by         international observers and human rights groups to range from 100,000[1] to 500,000.[2]  (Source  Wikipedia)

The trip was motivated by the cry of Pastor Aloysious from Uganda.  With war still raging in the north many newly               planted churches are suffering due to the fact that no one has a Bible.  It is no secret that there are more than 200 000         immediate followers of Christ who simply do not own a Bible.  The 21st century, with all its technologically advanced media, does not necessarily mean that it is a given to go out into any country and find a Bible in the mother tongue of believers.  Uganda proved to be no exception.  We struggled to find Bibles from the outset.  The process was an interesting one.  We needed 10 boxes of Bibles to provide to struggling churches in Northern Uganda.  The trip started well …. but let me let the photos do the talking.  HOW TO FIND A BIBLES IN UGANDA:

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STEP 1:  Find a taxi in Uganda’s capital and largest city with more than 2 million people according to the last census.  Note to first time travelers – it will be dangerous, it will be bumpy and it will be overcrowded.  But fear not – in the left top corner there is a RED SUITCASE – your emergency suitcase is at hand.

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STEP 2:  Always choose to sit at the back – plant yourself but don’t get comfortable.  The African taxi will be overloaded but in between all the squeezing …. very interesting conversations will enlighten you all the way.

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STEP 3:  Enjoy the scenery and although I am no fashion expert …. the clothing looked more than just descent …. and the figures was mmmm quite interesting.

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STEP 4:  Always be thankful when you arrive at your destination.  Our taxi arrived and leaving it was actually sad.  It was only when I greeted the driver that I saw the back of the taxi!  Truly God is able to protect!

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STEP 5:  Kampala will be overcrowded …. well with little sense of traffic rules at all.  One of the interesting features of Kampala is that there is no highway running past the city … all roads run into Kampala.  Which means ….. 3 hours in traffic is very normal.  PLAN YOUR DAY!!!!

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STEP 5:  Find a motorbike to be your next taxi.  It’s cheaper, much more dangerous but even quicker than a normal taxi.  I had time to capture photos on the back of my taxi.  A Hindu temple in the middle of Kampala.

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STEP 5:  It’s all about ‘da money’!  Make friends with your motorbike taxi driver and you are sorted for the rest of the trip.  He will take you places where there is no places!  Searching for Bibles …. still ongoing process!

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And smack in the middle of this huge city right on the equator ….. one of the biggest mosques in Africa.  Needless to say …. to find a Koran was easier than to find The Bible.  Join our journey …. as we spend the next 11 hours to find Bibles for hungry and needy churches in Northern Uganda.