We have superb people serving with us in Mozambique and in God’s broader mission. Prosper Fernando is such a guy and joined us as a missionary this year. He always says: “I am called to fix broken vehicles so that Broken Hearts may be Fixed in the process!” I love that. Here is his testimony:
I’m very grateful for God calling me to this mission and to be His servant in this field.
That was Gods’ plan from the beginning! My name is Prosper Fernando and I was born to a Christian family in Mozambique. I went to Primary public school. Then from 2008 – 2010 I went to a Vocational Training School in Chimoio where i studied Metal work. After my graduation in 2011, i came to the mission to do some practical work related to mechanics and fortunately i had an opportunity to be trained in Vocational Automotive mechanics at Love Mozambique (ASAM) with a Canadian mechanic Rick Cogbill and other short term volunteers.
In 2012 God opened the door for me to go to a Christian Professional Training Center (Tariro) for 2 years where i got a Certificate in Automotive mechanics. When I graduated iheard God’s voice calling me to return to the mission through 2 Timothy 2: 1 – 3: “Timothy my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gave to you in Christ Jesus. You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people whol will be able to pass them on to others. Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”
Maintenance Workshop Building in progress
As 1 Corinthians 12:12 says: “one body many parts” in order to fulfill our calling of LOVING GOD and LOVING PEOPLE. The maintenance workshop is playing a major role of making sure that the mission vehicles are in good condition so that orphans, school kids, pastors, churches, sick people may be reached, fed, visited, evangelized and transported.
It’s not about building, or skills, or vehicles ….. It’s about the souls that will be touched, experience GOD’S LOVE and be saved through this service.