It’s a few hours before 2013 greets us all with – hopefully not a bang.  A great year full of challenges, surprises (good and bad) … lots of smiles, laughter, joy and happiness.  And a few tears too.  BUT that is all very normal.  But all of that said – I love sharing good news.  I love seeing people so happy that they hardly know what to do ….. !  So before the year runs out let me share a great highlight before we greet the old year – kind of a nice way to say good bye to the old!  

One of the absolute highlights of the year must be the annual Orphan Christmas party where we had the privilege of going ALL OUT to bring smiles to everyone’s faces.  It’s a day of games and fun that the orphan kids always look out for.  They forget the hardships, hunger, pain and loneliness … and for a few hours just be KIDS again.  We seriously need to thank a lot of people for making this possible but special thanks to everyone at the Godalming Church, UK and David and Kate Phillips and the family (Daisy, Mimi and Lilly) and our Canadian friends.  We love you to pieces.  As you page through the photos enjoy – see the smiles and fun we all had … thanks to you.  I am over sharing a lot of photos but I do kind of get a kick out of all of them.  Everyone had a great meal and lots of gifts in the process.  The widows were also invited for the occasion!   Enjoy the photos!