It’s that time of the year again.  And to be honest I’m not sure that the kids enjoy this time very much.  The end of the school year!  In the western world ….. school is only a …. well – ‘that time during the day where you just have to get out of bed and drag your feet to another educational … nightmare.’  Perhaps … or maybe I am over-exaggerating .  In Mozambique schools are the one place where you find hope.  A light in a dark educational tunnel.   Specially if you are in rural Mozambique where there are not a school around every corner (or bush).  You have to walk far to get there!  And even if school do close down for the academical year …. kids still gather there daily … just to hang out.  Or as I asked a student:  “So why do you actually hang out if school already closed?”  He frowned … as if he was wondering why I would ask such a dumb question in the first place.  “I belong here and I like it here!”  There is something hidden in our African schools – maybe it’s a place of dreams and hopes yet to be fulfilled.  Nobody wants to leave … just in case the school doesn’t open next year.  And I like the fact that kids like school.
With all of that said …. our closing ceremonies are always a blast.  Saying good bye to our preschoolers was a joyous occasion as they are getting ready to continue to “the big school”, as they call it.  GRADE 1!  We called in the cavalry (that is our primary school headmaster) to hand out certificates for preschoolers and ended off with a prize giving party.
We captured … as usual … the day with a few photos:
Photo 1:  Before you can get your certificate as a preschooler you have to prove to the headmaster of the primary school and your parents that you actually can read and write your name.  Little Abraham wrote his name and was very chuffed with himself in the process … thus the grin, I think!

Photo 2:  Little Joao also getting into the act!

Photo 3:  Senhor Almeida, school headmaster of our local Primary School in Mucombeze, was our guest of honor.

 Photo 4:  Kids and parents waiting with anticipation to receive their certificates and prizes … but first a few words.

  Photo 5 & 6:  Jeanette Stone helping us to bring more smiles to the faces of our preschoolers.  Simon Nicalao was our pre-school teacher for the year.

 Photo 6:  Time to pose proudly with their certificates.  “We are starting our careers!”

Photo 7:  Some of our students and parents with Simon!

 Photo 8:  Party time …..!