Due to the huge lack in basic medical care in rural Mozambique, with only a few clinics covering vast areas, eye and dental care is not even on the list for the many many people suffering with these problems.  Cataracts are one of the most common eye diseases that goes untreated.  Due to the all year bright rays of the son many thousands are affected.  School children are struggling to perform as they are NEVER tested for any eye problems.  School teachers are not trained to recognize these problems and it goes by undetected.

In our own Bible College we have many older men and woman who has a huge desire to study but simply can’t read the literature.  With all of this in mind Anina Potgieter from Stellenbosch Congregation contacted us.  She started a project for Africa and with the help of the Stellenbosch community soon collected hundreds of sunglasses (protection against the sun) and reading glasses for the various eye needs.  It was great fun to visit her personally in Stellenbosch as we collected all the various glasses!  Sincere thanks to everyone who participated and making this great donation possible for the people of Mozambique!!!

Anina Potgieter (optometrist) graciously explain how to use the reading glasses. 
And of course we had to try them on ourselves!!!  The Brazilian sunglasses was left after the  South Africa Soccer World Cup event.  
The moment of truth ….. accepting the hundreds of sun- and reading glasses that was donated by the Stellenbosch community.