The dust hangs like dark curtains in the air as the big truck arrives on the base!  Everyone was eagerly awaiting the next phase in the mission’s history!  With little warning the truck turns in like a big old fat worm with a red rucksack on its back trying to find space to offload its cargo.  The 40 feet container continues to hide its precious cargo as we all waited eagerly to see what it holds.

With cameras in hand the doors swung open!  And inside ….. (well let the photos share the full story!)

I call it the “Green Mamba” …. our first tractor on the base which will help maintain
the new runway on the mission farm!
Ron Wayner (Mercy Air, Director) worked more than 2 years on the project to assure that
all the “goodies” arrive via ship to the Beira, Mozambique port.
More surprises were to follow!
Now … I don’t know much about mechanics or for that matter anything about mechanical tools …..
but I seriously never new this “scorpion” would fit in this container with a tractor!
I think they call it a TLB ….. my definition – (a Truly Large Beast)!
And here it is in its full glory!  The TLB will be used for various projects on the mission base!

And we all dressed up to experience and enjoy the occasion.  Here is little Tendai who chose her
own outfit.

Our mission workers helping to unload the container …. well maybe not in this shot!

The container offloaded …. and staying behind for us to use as storage facility at the landing strip.

And after all the excitement it was time to head back home – well that was after teaching Tendai how to
drive a motorbike!