Things have been buzzzzing around the base the last few weeks and the way it looks things will get even busier for the next few months!  But that’s how we like it.  Just catching my breath for a moment to update you on exactly what has been happening and WHO is shaking our world here:

1.  YES, it’s those DENTISTS again – and we love them dearly.

 PHOTO:  Dr. Anne-Marie Eisenring from Birchler, Switzerland explains how to clean your teeth the right way!  Both Dr’s Roland and Anne-Marie helped us for a week free of charge to take care dental problems in our bush school.

 PHOTO:  Teachers showing of with our dentist doctor.  Judging from this photo our teachers do have healthy teeth … thus the big smiles all around.

2.  SWISS PILOT arriving in style!

Andy Kuret just arrived and will be joining our team permanently.  He is a qualified Swiss pilot and linked up with Mercy Air Switzerland before joining us.  He has a degree in Agriculture and will be taking responsibility for projects on the base but also on the Delta, Northern Mozambique.

No relax ….. not an emergency landing.  Andy was getting some bush flight experience and flew from South Africa to central Mozambique.  Photos taken by Andy’s ghost photographer.

3.  RICK & BOB:  A mean team

PHOTO:  Not the way to arrive if you are visiting the base from Canada.  Rick and Bob got stranded in Vilancoulos for a few hours to sort out some Cesna problems (well ….. just a battery they tell me!)  Luckily Rick is a mechanic and they were in the air quick enough to be on time at the base.

PHOTO:  Rick Cogbill on their long trip from Canada to Mozambique.

PHOTO:  Bob looks quite fresh after 10 hours of flying!

See what Rick Cogbill says on his blog on day 1 of their visit:  “Now it’s Monday, and our first day on the job. Bob has been busy pouring over building plans, trying to figure out how to build roof trusses out of lumber called ironwood milled to non-uniform dimensions, while gluing back together an $800 electric drill that somebody dropped and broke (no, it wasn’t us!). Rick has already been repairing electrical wiring at the wood shop while helping the staff remove some stubborn tires from the big truck. All in a days work.”
Photos in this section:  Rick Cogbill