To many – Superman and Superwomen (and my favourite Captain America) are fictional characters who brings hope, help and healing to a struggling world. Did I mention I wanted to be Ironman? I always thought that to help and be someones hero I should put on a costume, cover my face and have courageous strenght. Well ….. I struggled with the idea putting on a superman suit. My mental picture of putting my tiny legs into the costume made me shiver.
And then it finally came to me. I don’t need no suit to help. I don’t need a catchy phrase to connect ….. I only need to be there. Close-by …. where the hurt and pain is. I don’t have to say ….. “beam me up Scotty” ……. I just gotto BE THERE.
As you know we had several people die in our communities the last few weeks. Due to dirty river water (the only water available) people got cholera …. and died. I honestly did not know how we could be of more help. We did everything possible. Our biggest challenge though was to find funding for more fresh water wells. Our closest community was without water for the last 5 months. All the money we spend to fix the water well turned out to be a disaster. With all our personal cash exhausted (and people still dying) a miracle was about to happen. From nowhere …… a group of people was secretely raising funds to sponsor a brand new water pump – the full deal.
And they arrived like superman. A bunch of willing, caring, loving, make-a-difference type of life changers. The best part of it all is that it included a pastor, an engineer, a loving engineers wife and a banker. They came because they were heroes (although they don’t want to hear anything about it!) They drove 2 000 km. They gave up a few days in their own hectic schedules and they became someone elses hero.
After 2 days of work the new pump was installed …… and fresh water was available for a thirsting community. As one of the community members said: “Now we know you are truely God’s people!” Wow!
Photo: Even some of the kids couldn’t believe when the water came out of the water pump. This was the first drop of fresh water for 5 months for this girl.
Photo: “And there shall be water.” An amazing moment for all when a village boy gets the opportunity to pump the first stream of fresh water.
A huge thanks to the team of Polokwane who made this possible. Love you guys. Thanks for being someones hero. And hey …… have you been someones hero today? It’s possible you know!
Photo: The dream team. From left to right: Ian (Engineer), Mavis (Pro-Engineer – Ian’s wife), Trevor (Banker/Engineer) and Past. Johan Pieterse.