This is how a typical Mozambican church looks like. It usually seats about 70-80 people and is also the average size of a church in the bush.
There is hardly a lack of commitment during church services. I love the fact that everyone is involved in prayer services. Kids are always part of every service – so different from our western culture where we quickly hide our children in Sunday Schools or elsewhere.
It really doesn’t matter how little you have – everyone brings something as an offering. If you don’t have money people will bring a chicken, eggs, maize, veggies – anything they can find. A humbling experience to see their attitude.
Here we hand of the last roofing sheets to a pastor and his church leadership to complete their new building. They raised more than 90 % themselves to complete their building. We helped with cement, roof sheets and the door. Thank you again to all who helped us with the project specially Niel and Helena Keyser for caring.