2008 Kicked off in the fast lane! We have had so many visitors from all over the world it seems. Had Mercy Air visiting from Nelspruit, many others from the USA and recently 6 nurses from Canada.
We are expecting a few more this year from:
  • Canada – 10 nurses to help in our clinics
  • Stellenbosch University (with Stellenbosch Congregation)
  • Bellville Congregation
  • Polokwane Congregation
  • Canada – Jortosh Ministries
  • and some private visits from all over the globe!

See some of our pics as visitors enjoy themselves on the mission:

The team of nurses visit the Manica Government hospital. They have been actively involved with the Health Department in assisting immunisation programs.

Our bush schools also benefited much from the 6 friendly nurses. Grades 1 to 5 participated in Health education programs. Games and other tools were used to make the learning experience fun for all the kids.

Mercy Air with their USA partners visited us and helped in the woodwork shop making window frames and doors and training Gabriel our Mozambiquean carpenter.

And offcourse the ladies ….. painting our abulution blocks and upgrading our camp site. They were all a huge blessing and we had a great time with all of them. Thanks for caring!