Just look at that face!! He would make Valentino Rossi (GP motorbike champion from Italy – for those who don’t know) jealous! Thanks to Piet van Rensburg and his family from Stellenbosch who made it possible for us to use the motorcycle for mission purposes.
As the price of fuel keeps rising in Mozambique at nearly R10 a liter it is essential that we keep moving. The field motorcycle helps us to save fuel but also will help us to reach areas where a vehicle can not go.
I visited some school kids where we are about to build our new school and they were absolutely overjoyed. Valentino Rossi (now you know him), on the motorbike, wasn’t too pleased as he was not the centre of attraction anymore. We had fun and the motorbike surely helped! Thanks again to Piet van Rensburg for seeing the need and kept on pursuing until we got the motorbike across the terrifying Zimbabwe border.
We had a huge uphill battle bringing the motorbike over but thanks to the fighting lion in Alta we did so by the grace of God.