We usually have to wait for the rainy season to end before we can start our outreach season seriously. Our first outreach went much smoother than last year …. when all our equipment went up in fire. We had about 250 people attending our first outreach in Nhantata. It was a highlight for so many people who had to wait a few months for this film to reach them. We showed the film in Shona – the mothertongue of many in the village.
People ussually walk during the darkness of night to attend the Jesus Film. We currently have 9 languages we use to show the Jesus Film in 4 provinces in Northern Mozambique.
And offcourse seeds are planted at a young age. We always have plenty kids who attend the outreaches. We have a lot of fun with the kids at the movie – from dancing to music to games untill we wait for everyone to come from far. Many times when the Jesus Film is finished people still arrive at the venue …. where in some cases we have to show the Jesus Film all over again. Thank you for everyone who is supporting this evangelism tool …. we constantly need your prayers.