So 2007 started off with a ‘bang’. We love people …. and lots of them too. During 2006 we have had many visitors peeping in and helping in whatever way they could. We were joined by pilots, doctors, dentists, preachers, builders, mechanics and many students throughout.
2007 Started off on a very good foot with a visit from a wonderful couple from England, Barbara and Alan Rainford from East Budleigh. They have been friends since 2000 when we met them in Zimbabwe. Since then they have helped us with our new house, setting up a school and many other wonderful things. Although a short visit see the photos how they enjoyed themselves.
Nothing like a great morning brunch on the veranda of our house in Mozambique!
Here you can see Barbara Rainford holding two new born twins that was born in our area. They provided blankets and clothing to the family to survive during the rainy season.